Terms of Services


This Agreement, entered into by and between FastGain (referred to as the "Company") and the user (either a natural or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the "Client") of Live Markets Trade (referred to as the "Website"), shall regulate their relationship. The Client affirms having read, comprehended, and accepted all information, conditions, and terms presented on the Website, which are publicly available for review and examination and encompass vital legal information. Through the acceptance of this Agreement, the Client unequivocally agrees to the terms and conditions outlined herein, including its annexes, appendices, and other pertinent documentation/information published on the Website. Such documentation includes, but is not limited to, the Privacy Policy, Payment Policy, Withdrawal Policy, Code of Conduct, Order Execution Policy, and Anti-Money Laundering Policy.

The Client manifests acceptance of this Agreement by registering an Account on the Website and initiating a fund deposit. Through this acceptance and contingent upon the Company's final approval, the Client enters into a legally binding agreement with the Company. The terms of this Agreement become unconditionally accepted by the Client upon the Company's receipt of an advance payment made by the Client. Upon receipt of the Client's advance payment, all transactions executed by the Client on the Trading Platform are subject to the terms of this Agreement and other pertinent documentation/information on the Website.

The Client acknowledges that each operation, activity, transaction, order, and/or communication on the Trading Platform, including those through the Account and the Website, is governed by and must adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and other documentation/information on the Website.

By accepting this agreement, the Client asserts the ability to receive information, including amendments to this Agreement, either via email or through the Website. In the case of a legal entity client, registration with the Company can occur not through the Website but by submitting a request via email to company email. All terms and conditions herein, including those enumerated in 1 to 5 above, are perpetually applicable to the Legal Entity, and it must consistently adhere to such terms, conditions, obligations, and rights at all times.


Account: A unique personified account registered in the name of the Client, containing all of the Client’s transactions/operations on the Trading Platform of the Company.

Ask: The higher price in a quote, representing the price at which the Client may buy.

Bid: The lower price in a quote, representing the price at which the Client may sell.

CFD (Contract for Difference): A tradeable contract entered into between the Client and the Company, exchanging the difference in the value of an Instrument.

Digital Option Contract: A derivative instrument where the Client earns a payout based on predicting the price movement of the underlying asset at the option’s expiry.

Execution: The execution of Client orders by the Company, acting as the Client's counterparty.

Financial Instruments: Instruments available on the Company’s Trading Platform.

KYC Documents: Documents to be provided by the Client, including a copy of the passport or ID, utility bill, and other documents as requested by the Company.

Market: The market on which Financial Instruments are traded.

Market Maker: A company providing BID and ASK prices for financial instruments.

Operations: Actions performed at the Client’s Account, following an order placed by the Client, related to crediting/debiting funds, opening/closing trade transactions/positions, and/or actions related to financial instruments.

Prices: The prices offered to the Client for each transaction, including the Spread.

Services: The services described in section 3 of this Agreement.

Spread: The difference between the purchase price Ask and the sale price Bid at the same moment.

Trading Platform: An electronic system on the internet that presents real-time quotes, allows order placement/modification/deletion, and calculates mutual obligations of the Client and the Company.

Subject Matter of the Agreement

The essence of this Agreement pertains to the delivery of Services to the Client by the Company, facilitated through the Agreement itself and the Trading Platform. The Company, in its capacity, will conduct all transactions outlined in this Agreement strictly on an execution-only basis. It is important to note that the Company will refrain from actively managing the Client's account or providing advisory services.

Furthermore, the Company retains the entitlement to execute transactions as per the Client's requests outlined in this Agreement, even in cases where the transaction may not inherently benefit the Client. It is explicitly clarified that the Company, unless expressly stipulated otherwise in this Agreement or any supplementary documentation/information available on the Website, assumes no responsibility to oversee or advise the Client on the status of any transaction, issue margin calls, or prematurely close any open positions held by the Client.

In the absence of specific agreement to the contrary, the Company is not obligated to make efforts to execute the Client’s order using quotes that may be more favorable than those already provided through the Trading Platform. This delineation underscores the independent nature of transaction execution within the parameters set forth in this Agreement.

General Provisions

The provision of Services by the Company to the Client is granted at the absolute discretion of the Company, contingent upon adherence to the stipulations outlined in this Agreement. The Client is expressly prohibited and shall, under no circumstances, be permitted to execute transactions or operations on the Trading Platform, Website, and/or through their Account that would result in exceeding the total balance or amount of funds deposited/maintained within their Account.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the funds deposited by the Client shall be construed as collateral, whether in the form of a lien or through alternative means, provided to the Company. This collateralization serves as security for the Client's obligation to remit any monetary sums to the Company. The Company, in turn, relies on these deposited amounts to mitigate associated risks and ensure the fulfillment of financial obligations by the Client.

Services Offered by the Company

The Company provides a comprehensive suite of services to the Client through its Trading Platform, encompassing customer support, analytics, and the dissemination of news and marketing information. While facilitating the execution of trade activities and transactions, it's imperative for the Client to acknowledge and accept that, at no point, does the Company provide trust services, trading consultation, or advisory services.

All transactions and operations conducted by the Client are meticulously processed by the Company in strict adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, strictly on an execution-only basis. The Company refrains from actively managing the Client's Account or providing any form of advisory guidance. Noteworthy is the commitment to process orders and transactions requested by the Client under this Agreement, irrespective of potential non-beneficial outcomes for the Client.

The Company, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or other relevant documentation, is not obligated to monitor or advise the Client on transaction status, issue margin calls, or close out any of the Client’s open positions. Furthermore, the Company is under no obligation to process or attempt to process the Client’s order/transaction using quotes more favorable than those offered through the Trading Platform.

Financial liability for any operations conducted by the Client through the Account and/or on the Trading Platform rests solely with the Client. Each Client is granted exclusive and non-assignable rights to use and access their Account. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that no other third party, including next of kin or immediate family members, gains unauthorized access to and/or trades through the assigned Account.

The Client shall be liable for all orders given through their security information, and any orders received in this manner by the Company shall be considered as given by the Client. As long as any order is submitted through the Account of a Client, the Company shall reasonably assume that such orders are submitted by the Client, with no obligation to investigate further.

The Company maintains no legal relations with any third party other than the Client. If the Client acts on behalf of any third party, the Company does not accept this person as a Client and shall not be liable before this person, regardless of identification.

The Client holds the right to cancel an order within 3 seconds after giving the order to the Company, referred to as "Cancellation." The three-second cancellation option is applicable as long as the price remains unchanged. After three seconds, the Company may, at its discretion, offer to buyout the option from the Client, referred to as "Buyout." The Client is entitled to use the Cancellation or Buyout option subject to conditions specified on the platform, which may include a fee specified on the platform. The Company is obliged to provide all necessary information regarding the conditions of Cancellation and Buyout, including associated costs.

The use of Cancellation or Buyout is acknowledged by the Client to be very risky, as the cost depends on the market situation. The Client bears all risks associated with the use of Cancellation or Buyout options. The Company may, at its sole discretion, utilize a third party to hold the Client’s funds and/or for receiving payment execution services. These funds will be held in segregated accounts, ensuring no impact on the Client's rights to such funds.

The Company provides internal live chats for clients to share trading ideas and express general thoughts. The live chat feature is not considered valid or accurate information addressed to clients or potential clients and does not constitute controlled information or investment advice. Provision of investment advice is solely carried out by the Company under a separate written agreement with the Client, following an assessment of the Client’s personal circumstances. In the absence of such a written agreement, reports, news, opinions, and other information provided by the Company to the Client do not constitute investment advice or research.

Execution of Orders / Electronic Trading

Upon accepting this Agreement, the Client affirms having read and comprehended all its provisions and related information available on the Website. The Client acknowledges that all orders received will be executed by the Company, functioning as the counterparty in its role as a Market Maker. In the execution of orders, the Company acts as a principal and not as an agent on behalf of the Client, a model that may give rise to Conflicts of Interest, and the Client accepts and understands this implication.

It is explicitly clarified that the mere reception of an order by the Company does not constitute acceptance; acceptance is established only upon the execution of the order by the Company. The Company is bound to execute the Client's orders sequentially and promptly. The Client assumes the risks associated with potential mistakes, misinterpretations, delays, or other issues arising from technical or mechanical failures in the electronic means used for order transmission. Additionally, the Client acknowledges the risk of unauthorized individuals placing orders on the Account and agrees to indemnify the Company for any loss resulting from acting in accordance with such orders.

During the reception and transmission of orders, the Company holds no responsibility for the content of the order or the identity of the person placing it, except in cases of gross negligence, willful default, or fraud by the Company. The Client further acknowledges that the Company will not act upon orders transmitted through electronic means other than the predetermined ones, such as the Trading Platform, and shall not be liable for failing to take action based on such orders.

The Client is also aware and agrees that any products or services offered by the Company may not always be available for purchasing or trading purposes. The decision to make these products available lies solely within the Company's discretion, and the Company bears no liability, whether monetary or otherwise, for not making certain products available at any given time.

Limitation of Liability

The Company does not provide a guarantee of uninterrupted service, absolute safety, or error-free functioning. It also does not assure immunity from unauthorized access to the trading site's servers or protection against disruptions caused by damages, malfunctions, or failures in hardware, software, communications, and systems, whether in the Client's computers or the Company's suppliers' infrastructure.

The provision of services by the Company relies, among other factors, on third parties, and the Company disclaims any responsibility for the actions or omissions of these third parties. The Company holds no responsibility for any damage, loss, or expense incurred by the Client or any third party resulting from or related to such actions or omissions.

The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages allegedly caused to the Client, especially those arising from force majeure or events beyond the Company's control that affect the accessibility of its trading site. In no event shall the Company or its Agent(s) be held responsible for direct or indirect damages of any kind, even if the Company or its Agent(s) had been informed of the possibility of such damages.

Settlement Of Transactions

The Company shall proceed to a settlement of all transactions upon execution of such transactions. An online statement of Account will be available for printing to the Client on the Trading Platform of the Company, at all times.

Indemnity and Liability

The Client undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, along with its directors, officers, employees, or representatives, from all direct or indirect liabilities, including but not limited to losses, damages, claims, costs, or expenses. This indemnification applies to any act or omission by the Client in fulfilling obligations under this Agreement and/or the liquidation of any financial instruments with the Company, except when such liabilities result from the gross negligence, willful default, or fraud by the Company. This indemnity provision remains in effect after the termination of this Agreement.

The Company shall not be held liable for any direct and/or indirect loss, expense, cost, or liability incurred by the Client in connection with this Agreement, unless such loss, expense, cost, or liability stems from the gross negligence, willful default, or fraud by the Company. Despite the terms in section 8.1, the Company assumes no liability to the Client, whether in tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit or any indirect or consequential loss arising under and/or in connection with the Agreement.

The Company disclaims liability for any loss of opportunity leading to a potential increase in the value of the Client's financial instruments or for any decrease in their value, irrespective of the cause, unless such loss directly results from the gross negligence, willful default, or fraud on the part of the Company.

The Company shall not be held liable for losses resulting from misrepresentation of facts, errors in judgment, or any act done or omitted, regardless of the cause, unless such act or omission is attributable to the gross negligence, willful default, or fraud by the Company.

The Company bears no responsibility for the acts, omissions, or insolvency of any counterparty, bank, custodian, or other third party acting on behalf of the Client or through whom transactions on behalf of the Client are conducted.

Personal Data

By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Client provides irrevocable consent for the Company to collect and process their personal data/information without the use of automatic controls. Personal data, for the purposes of this Agreement, encompasses the client's Name, Surname, Patronymic, gender, address, phone number, email, IP address, Cookies, and information related to the provision of services (e.g., trading history). The Client is obligated to provide accurate, correct, and complete personal data/information as requested by the Company.

The collection and processing of personal data serve the purpose of compliance with applicable regulatory legislation, including anti-money laundering regulations. Additionally, it fulfills all obligations outlined in this Agreement, enabling the Company to discharge its responsibilities to the Client. For the specified purposes, the Client acknowledges and consents to the Company's right to collect, record, systematize, accumulate, store, adjust, extract, use, transfer, anonymize, block, delete, destroy, and perform any other actions according to current regulatory legislation.

The Client agrees to the Company storing, maintaining, and processing their personal data as described in this Agreement during the term of the Agreement and for 5 years following any termination. The Client further acknowledges, accepts, agrees, and consents to the disclosure of personal data by the Company to third parties and their representatives for the sole purposes of the Agreement. This includes facilitating the processing and execution of the Client’s orders/operations, with the condition that (i) the amount of personal data disclosed is proportionate and limited solely to facilitate the described actions, and (ii) the Company ensures that such third parties treat the personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Company is not entitled to make the personal data publicly available or disclose it for any other purposes, except when required by applicable laws and regulations. Throughout the processing of personal data, the Company will implement necessary legal, organizational, and technical measures to protect against unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, change, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination, and any other illegal actions.

Assignment: The Agreement is personal to the Client, and the Client is not entitled to assign or transfer any of their rights or obligations under this Agreement. The Company, however, reserves the right to assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party at any time. In the event of such an assignment, the Company shall promptly notify the Client.

Risk Statement: The Client affirms having read, comprehended, and accepted the risk statement associated with the utilization of services on the Website. This risk statement is available electronically via the Website. The Client acknowledges the importance of understanding and accepting the risks involved in using the services provided on the Website.

Charges And Fees

The Company is entitled to receive fees from the Client for the services provided. The Company may pay fees or commissions to business introducers, referring agents, or other third parties based on a written agreement, and such compensation may be linked to transaction frequency/volume or other specified parameters. All applicable fees or charges are outlined on the Company’s Website under "General Fees." The Company reserves the right to modify its fees and charges periodically. Ongoing trading fees, including swaps, will be charged and deducted from the Client’s account balance. If the Client's balance is insufficient, the Company may close the relevant position subject to swap. The Client acknowledges that any funds sent will be deposited into the Account at the value on the payment date, net of any charges/fees imposed by banks or intermediaries involved in the transaction process or any other cases.

Duration And Termination Of The Agreement

This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite term and becomes effective when the Client accepts the Agreement and makes an advance payment to the Company. In case of any discrepancies between the English text of the Agreement and its translation into other languages, the English version shall prevail, along with the English version of any other documentation/information on the Website.

The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately without prior notice if the Client fails to provide KYC documents to the Company within 14 days of accepting this Agreement, resulting in the classification of the Account as unverified. If this Agreement is terminated for the reasons specified in section 15.b, subclauses i, ii, and x, the Company holds no liability towards the Client and is not obligated to pay any profits to the Client (if any).

In case of termination for the reasons outlined in section 15.a, the Company must either wire the remaining balance to the Client or provide the Client with the opportunity to withdraw the remaining balance. If the termination is based on section 16.b, the Company is obliged to wire the remaining balance to the Client, excluding any profit.

Terms And Conditions

The Client is required to make a deposit into their Account to utilize the Company's Services or any additional services acquired through the Website. This includes all supplementary expenses, such as taxes and duties, for which the Client bears complete responsibility in ensuring timely deposits into their Account. The payment services provider is responsible solely for processing the payment amount defined by the Site and is not liable for any additional amounts owed by the Client to the Website.

Once the "Payment" button is clicked, the payment is considered processed and cannot be returned. By clicking this button, the Client agrees that payments are non-refundable. Additionally, as the owner of the payment card, the Client confirms their entitlement to use the Services offered on the Website. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, along with the depositing of funds into the Account, signifies the Client's agreement to use the Website’s Services. The Client acknowledges that payment processing will be carried out by a third-party payment services provider (the "Provider"), and there is no legal right to return purchased Services or cancel payments.

If the Client wishes to opt-out of the 1-Click service for future Service purchases, they can do so through their Account on the Website. It's important to note that 1-click deposits (recurring payments) are not processed as 3-D secure transactions, and the client needs to enable the 3-D secure function for such transactions, especially regarding BTC withdrawal policy.

The Provider is not liable for the refusal or inability to process data related to the Client's payment card or for any refusal due to a lack of permission from the issuing bank to process the payment. The Provider also bears no liability for the quality, quantity, or price of any services offered or purchased by the Client on the Website using their payment card.

The Client, as the cardholder, is solely responsible for timely payments for any services ordered through the Website and for all associated expenses and fees. The Provider acts only as the payment processor for the amount specified by the Website and is not liable for pricing, general prices, or total sums.

In case of Client dissent with the mentioned terms or any other reasons, the Client is urged to promptly refrain from making a payment and to directly contact the administrator/support of the Website if necessary.

The Client’s Responsibility

The Client recognizes that these General Terms constitute an integral component of this Agreement. The Client is responsible for ensuring that all transactions and Services received comply with applicable laws and for fulfilling any legal obligations arising from the use of the Website. The Client acknowledges that it is their sole responsibility to determine the legality of such transactions in their jurisdiction or place of residence. The Client assumes full liability for all transactions in their Trading Account, encompassing card transactions and other deposit and withdrawal methods (as outlined below).

The Company retains the right to accept or reject any deposit, funding, or withdrawal request from the Client based on the chosen payment method, which may involve Third Party Institutions. The Company may propose an alternative method for the Client's request. It is explicitly understood that the Company has no control over Third Party Institutions, and any transactions made by the Client through the Platform using such institutions absolve the Company from any liability, whether monetary or otherwise, for any loss of funds incurred by the Client due to the actions or omissions of Third Party Institutions.

The Client is entrusted with safeguarding their Username and Password for their Trading Account. The Client bears sole responsibility for any damages resulting from their actions or omissions leading to inappropriate or irregular use of the Trading Account. The Client explicitly agrees that they are solely responsible for any decisions made relying on the Website's content. No claims or suits of any kind will be brought against the Company, its directors, employees, functionaries, or Agents due to the Client's decisions.

The Company and its Agents assume no responsibility for profit loss related to the Website, Client transactions, Services, or the General Terms of use. This includes special, indirect, or circumstantial damages, except in cases of malicious acts by the Company. In the event of a definitive judgment by a court or authorized legal institution establishing the Company's liability, the Company's liability will be limited to the amount of money deposited or transferred by the Client to the Trading Account for the transaction causing such liability.

No Trading Account will be approved without the completion of the Company’s compliance procedures, including the identification and verification of the Account.

Risk:The value of the Financial Instruments provided by the Company is subject to fluctuations, and the Client is aware that such values may both rise and fall. The Client explicitly understands and acknowledges the inherent risks associated with trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and similar products. These risks encompass the potential loss of all invested funds. It is emphasized that engaging in CFD Trading does not confer any entitlement to the underlying instrument of the Transaction. Consequently, the Client does not possess any ownership or purchasing rights concerning the underlying shares associated with such instruments, as CFDs represent a notional value exclusively.

Furthermore, virtual currencies are intricate and high-risk products characterized by wide price fluctuations, thereby carrying the risk of a complete loss of the invested capital. Trading cryptocurrencies can lead to substantial losses within a short timeframe. Clients are strongly advised against engaging in virtual currency trading unless they possess the requisite knowledge and expertise in these products. The Client explicitly confirms that they have read, comprehended, and accepted the risk disclosure information provided by the Company, as available on the Company’s Website.

Financial Information: The Company disclaims responsibility for any losses incurred by the Client (or third parties) arising from reliance on inaccurate or erroneous financial information presented on the Website. The Client is urged to independently verify the accuracy and reliability of the information available on the Website and assess its suitability by cross-referencing with other reputable information sources. The Company shall not be liable for any claims, costs, losses, or damages of any nature allegedly caused by the information provided on the Website or the information sources utilized by the Website.

The Client acknowledges and agrees that any oral information pertaining to their Trading Account may be incomplete and unverified. The Client assumes sole risk and responsibility for any reliance on the aforementioned information. The Company does not provide any warranty regarding the correctness of pricing or other information disseminated through its trading software or any other means, nor does it guarantee that such information accurately reflects current market conditions.


The Client acknowledges that the primary and reliable source of quote flow information is the central server handling customer requests. It is emphasized that quotes on the Trading Platform should not be considered a dependable source of information regarding the actual quotes flow. In cases of an unstable connection between the Trading Platform and the server, certain quotes from the flow may not reach the Trading Platform. The graphs presented on the Trading Platform are indicative in nature.

Therefore, the Company does not guarantee that transactions will be executed at the same prices indicated on the graphs in the Trading Platform at the time when other customer transactions are submitted. The price exhibited on the Trading Platform is formulated using the formula (Bid+Ask)/2. Any price in the Trading Platform that does not align with the current market price is termed a "Non-market quote."


The copyrights and intellectual property (IP) displayed on the Website are either owned by the Company or authorized for use by third parties. Reproduction, distribution, duplication, public presentation, or sharing of copyrighted material, either in whole or in part, with third parties is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized actions such as altering, advertising, broadcasting, transferring, selling, distributing, or commercially using copyrighted material without prior written permission from the Company are expressly forbidden.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any information, including but not limited to ideas, knowledge, techniques, marketing plans, questions, answers, suggestions, emails, and comments (hereinafter referred to as "Information") provided to the Company is not considered confidential or proprietary to the Client. Acceptance of the Agreement implies authorization for the Company to use all Client Information (excluding information for personal identification) at the Company's absolute and sole discretion without requiring additional permission or compensation.

The Client agrees that any notices, messages, or materials provided will be appropriate and will not infringe upon the proprietary rights of other individuals. The Client is prohibited from uploading or sending any illegal, harmful, or disturbing material to other Clients and must refrain from taking any actions that could harm the Company.

Content and Third Parties' Websites

The Website may contain general information, news, comments, quotes, and other content related to financial markets and/or advertising. Some information is sourced from unaffiliated companies. It's important to note that the Company does not offer investment research. Any news, comments, quotes, or other financial information provided by the Company is solely of a promotional/marketing nature.

The Company neither creates nor endorses the information/links provided by unaffiliated companies. The Company holds no responsibility for the content of third-party websites, the actions or omissions of their proprietors, or the contents of third-party advertisements and sponsorships on those websites. Hyperlinks to other websites are provided for informational purposes only, and any Client or potential client uses such links at their own risk.

Top 15 Platforms we Trade With:

You can Buy Cryptocurrency and Fund Your Acount:

  1. Cash App
  2. Coinbase
  3. Binance
  4. Kraken
  5. PayPal
  6. Gemini
  7. Bitstamp
  8. eToro
  9. Robinhood
  10. Bitfinex
  11. Cex.io
  12. Huobi
  13. OKEx
  14. KuCoin
  15. Bitbuy

Processing of Client Orders to Open Positions: When the available funds meet the required amount, a position will be opened. Conversely, if the available funds fall short, the position will not be initiated. The Client's order to open a position undergoes processing, and the position is officially opened only after the corresponding entry is recorded in the server log file. A unique serial number is assigned to each newly opened position for identification purposes.

Bid: Processing Of Client Orders To Close Positions Closing of trading position occurs at the current price at the trading server at the moment of closing of the trading operation.

OTC Assets

An OTC Asset, or "over the counter" asset, refers to an asset traded outside the regular market (referred to as the "Asset"). The price of the Asset is determined based on data from trade requests and orders placed by clients, as received by the Company. The Client acknowledges that, by engaging in trade requests and orders involving such an Asset, they comprehend the operational nature and pricing algorithm of the Asset. The Client recognizes that the main server for trade orders from clients is the sole reliable source of quoting information for such an Asset.


The Company retains the discretion to offer benefits, such as VIP status, tournaments, and other privileges ("Benefits") to clients, contingent upon fulfilling specified conditions. The Client acknowledges and agrees to the following:

  1. The Company reserves the right to amend or terminate any Benefits without prior notification, at its sole discretion and for any reason.
  2. Conditions for Benefits are subject to change at any time and may vary based on regions.
  3. Any misuse of privileges provided by the Company, such as creating multiple trading accounts to claim Benefits, is strictly prohibited.
  4. The client has the option to request the cessation of receiving such Benefits at any time.

Customer Communication Policy


This Customer Communication Policy outlines guidelines for appropriate communication between customers and the company. We value respectful and positive interactions and aim to maintain a professional and inclusive environment for everyone.

Use of Language:

  1. Derogatory Language: The use of derogatory language, including but not limited to offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate words, is strictly prohibited.
  2. Level of Offense: Punishments issued by the company will be based on the level of the offense. The severity of the punishment will correspond to the gravity of the derogatory language used.
  3. Levels of Offense:
    • Level 1 - Mild Offense: Verbal warning or written warning.
    • Level 2 - Moderate Offense: Temporary suspension of privileges.
    • Level 3 - Severe Offense: Permanent suspension or termination of services.

Reporting Incidents:

  1. Customer Reporting: Customers are encouraged to report any instances of derogatory language used by other customers.
  2. Company Investigation: The company will thoroughly investigate reported incidents to determine the appropriate level of offense and subsequent action.

Appeals Process:

  1. Appealing Punishments: Customers have the right to appeal punishments issued by the company. Appeals should be submitted in writing within a specified timeframe.
  2. Review Process: The company will review appeals objectively and make a fair determination based on the information provided.


This policy aims to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all customers. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. The company reserves the right to update this policy as needed.

By continuing to use our services, customers agree to abide by this Customer Communication Policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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